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Monday, February 22, 2016

Celebrating Library Lovers Day #morethanalibrary #blinddate

I love the idea of ALIA's Library Lovers Day, but if you are a Learning Commons, ie. #morethanalibrary, what can you do??

In our Learning Commons his year we did the blind date reading campaign, but this time a bit differently to what we did a few years back.

We wrapped the books up and copied the barcode number onto the front of them.

Organisationally, we borrowed all these books out to a "blind date" borrowing account on the system as we were wrapping them up. So that if someone was looking for a novel and it had been borrowed out to blind date, we could easily identify and locate it quite quickly.

At the end of the campaign we could also measure how successful the campaign was by how many of the books remained on the blind date account.

The teachers loved it and the Year 7's thought that it was a great idea!

"It is kinda exciting taking the book home, not knowing what is inside"

If you want to do your own blind date campaign, here are the files that we used to create the display.
