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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Welcome 2013

I probably didn't blog enough in 2012 to justify the presence of this blog, but I grant you that it was a very busy year!

January, marks the mid way point through my Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) and the subject that I am doing this semester is EER500 Introduction to Educational Research. I am actually looking forward to it as I am starting to like the research process and the resulting writing and thinking that improves as a result of it.

I had coffee this morning with the thesis whisperer where we spoke about lots of issues with writing and research ability from "why aren't the kids learning this in high school" through to "why don't teachers use research to guide them". Lots of great ideas, thoughts and avenues for investigations.

If you haven't read it, download and read her ebook on how to tame your PhD (or order a hardcopy). Although I am far from writing a PhD, I found it useful and insightful in regards to my Masters.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Creating a vision for a school library

Here are some notes from the unit of work that I completed on creating a vision for a school library:

Vision 2013 - 2015

“The Library supports the school’s vision, value, teaching and learning programs through the creation of a physical and virtual collaborative ‘knowledge commons’ fostering creative, independent and critical lifelong learning skills, through the development of proficiency in information literacy, digital literacy and literature enrichment.”